Blue Monkey Pictures Inc. will turn 24 years old this year! We have come a long way since 1997! Started out as a Mississauga based photography studio we defied to odds! Being in Mississauga we were not in the wedding hub of service provides. In 2015 we decided to make a bolder move and made Milton our home base. Being a Milton based photographer sounds very limiting as we service all areas, Mississauga, Milton, the greater GTA and beyond. Our wedding photography has taken us abroad to show as well.
We’ve had a lot of great moments along with some stressful ones but overall we had a blast and we have produced some amazing images for some amazing clients. Talent and skill are only part of what made us successful, most of the credit goes to the hundreds and hundreds of clients that trusted us enough to capture some pretty big moments in their lives. With a name like Blue Monkey Pictures opened by a couple of kids it really could have gone either way!
We are wedding photographers, baby photographers, food photographers, event photographer but more than all that we are grateful!
So we promise to make 2021 the year of the clients!
We can’t wait to work with you!